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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Success Functionalities in Movie Review Websites. A Study with Comparative Qualitative Analysis

Published: May 27, 2020


Susana Fernández-Lores, ESIC, BUSINESS & MARKETING SCHOOL; Gema Martinez-Navarro, Univeridad Complutense de Madrid; DIANA GAVILAN, ESIC BUSINESS&MARKETING SCHOOL; Maria Avello, Univeridad Complutense de Madrid


movie review websites; on-line influence; comparative qualitative analysis


The growth of movie review websites (MRW) where users share information and experiences along with social and commercial resources, has led to significant changes in the way audiovisual content is selected and accessed. These MRWs combine diverse functionalities: a community of users, streaming content, ticket sales, endorsements and social media. The aim of this study is to identify the critical functionalities that are responsible for the increase of the prescription capacity and the diffusion capacity of its contents. Using a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) technique, a sample of the 12 most representative Spanish MRW was analyzed. Results indicate that having a content recommendation system and offering connection to streaming platforms are the key factors for achieving success in MRW. This research contributes academically to the knowledge and explanation of the behavior of the audience in the new audiovisual scenario. Theoretical and managerial implications are considered.